[cc-devel] Heartbeat and CC
Matt Lee
2014-04-08 17:00:08 UTC
My timing is great -- take over all the machines, and now I have to
patch a bunch of them against the Heartbeat SSL vulnerability.

Luckily(?) many of them are on Debian Squeeze, which is too old to be
affected. I'll be reissuing the SSL certificate anyway, for the donate
and main websites.

Let me know if there's any SSL sites under creativecommons.org that
aren't working as they should and I'll get on it.


Maarten Zeinstra
2014-04-08 21:14:50 UTC
Hi Matt,

Fast pickup, good luck tracking them down. Did you test the vulnerability of creativecommons.org. I read about?http://filippo.io/Heartbleed/?which claims to be able to check ?vulnerability.

I had a discussion once with Dan about the services by Creative Commons, he had a list of all domains hosted under creativecommons.org. You should probably check that list if you haven't already.?

I tried going to https://search.creativecommons.org but got directed to https://api.creativecommons.org/ which had an expired certificate. Don?t know if that is related


Kennisland??|?www.kennisland.nl?|?t +31205756720?|?m +31643053919?| @mzeinstra

On 8 Apr 2014 at 19:00:19 , Matt Lee (mattl at creativecommons.org) wrote:

My timing is great -- take over all the machines, and now I have to
patch a bunch of them against the Heartbeat SSL vulnerability.

Luckily(?) many of them are on Debian Squeeze, which is too old to be
affected. I'll be reissuing the SSL certificate anyway, for the donate
and main websites.

Let me know if there's any SSL sites under creativecommons.org that
aren't working as they should and I'll get on it.


cc-devel mailing list
cc-devel at lists.ibiblio.org
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Matt Lee
2014-04-08 21:20:42 UTC
Post by Maarten Zeinstra
I tried going to https://search.creativecommons.org but got directed to
https://api.creativecommons.org/ which had an expired certificate. Don't
know if that is related

creativecommons.org was vulnerable. I have updated openssl on it, and
other machines.

Next step is to fix the certificate.

I requested a new wildcart cert and its on its way.
I have a list of sites and I'll work on getting them fixed in the next
couple of days.

I also hope to have some sites that were previously not under HTTPS
available too.


Matt Lee
2014-04-08 23:04:51 UTC
creativecommons.org, donate.creativecommons.org and
api.creativecommons.org now all have the new certificate in place.

More sites will happen tomorrow. Please let me know if you notice any
weirdness with the above sites.

Matt Lee
Creative Commons
Mallory Knodel
2014-04-08 23:53:40 UTC
Just to note that it's not enough to patch everything. You need to
regenerate all of your keys in case they were compromised before the bug
was reported.

Post by Matt Lee
creativecommons.org, donate.creativecommons.org and
api.creativecommons.org now all have the new certificate in place.
More sites will happen tomorrow. Please let me know if you notice any
weirdness with the above sites.
Matt Lee
Creative Commons
cc-devel mailing list
cc-devel at lists.ibiblio.org
Mallory Knodel
Communications & Network Development Manager :: mallory at apc.org
<http://mailto:mallory at apc.org>
Association for Progressive Communications :: apc.org <http://apc.org>
twitter. @malloryknodel <https://twitter.com/malloryknodel> :: xmpp.
malloryk at im.mayfirst.org
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Matt Lee
2014-04-09 01:39:47 UTC
Post by Mallory Knodel
Just to note that it's not enough to patch everything. You need to
regenerate all of your keys in case they were compromised before the bug was
Hey Mallory,

Yep. They all have brand new SSL certificates in place, generated from new keys.