[cc-devel] Fwd: [cc-staff] CC is hiring - seeking software developer
Matt Lee
2015-01-28 22:40:49 UTC
Come work with me :)

Matt Lee
Creative Commons
Boston, MA, USA

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ryan Merkley | Creative Commons <***@creativecommons.org>
Date: Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 5:33 PM
Subject: [cc-staff] CC is hiring - seeking software developer
To: ***@creativecommons.org

Hello friends of CC,

We're doubling the size of of development team! With the generous
support of the Hewlett Foundation, we'll be hiring a second developer
at CC to work on one of our core 2015 strategic goals: improved
discovery, curation, use and re-use of the commons.

Please help us in our search by taking 2 minutes right now to share
our post in your networks on social, or to forward this e-mail to
someone you know who would like to join our team.



New job at CC: Software developer

Matt Lee, January 28th, 2015

Today, we’re opening up a new job posting, for a developer. This
person will work with our education team and existing technical lead
to develop tools that facilitate the discovery, curation, use and
re-use of freely available online content.

The developer’s tasks will include the development of an online
catalog of open education resource (OER) materials to facilitate
discovery, curation, use and re-use, and content analytics. We’re
really excited about this project, which will most certainly have
applications across the commons.

From the job description:

Creative Commons is a global nonprofit organization focused on
enabling the open commons of knowledge to grow and flourish. Our work
crosses multiple sectors of creativity and knowledge — from
photography, to music, to open educational resources, copyright
reform, and open data. Today the commons includes over 880 million
CC-licensed works, and we expect to pass 1 billion works in 2015.

Are you excited about powering the technical infrastructure of
Creative Commons? Learn more and apply.
Ryan Merkley
CEO, Creative Commons

+1 416.802.0662

Please make a donation: https://donate.creativecommons.org